Welcome to FOTOgrafix

Portrait Studios and Fine Art Printing Lab.

It's owner Wojtek "Voytek" Wojdynski is a fine art photographer specializing in 

portrait photography and in archival digital printing services.

Wojtek is also a consultant in the area of Photoshop and color management 

for artists .


When I realized after 25 years of dark-room printing that I could more fully explore my negatives within the digital realm, I had the good fortune of meeting Wojtek Wojdynski, photographer, printer, and master of Photoshop.  For over a year we worked closely together and in that time I watched my negatives come into their own: shadows opened up, highlights flamed down, and dozens of seriously damaged negatives restored to full health. Working side by side, we found the truth of the negative together. It was by far the best collaboration of my career.

                                                    John  Rosenthal